We take a customized approach to maximize your leadership and team development and efforts. Our format for workshops includes facilitations where we use a variety of methods including: videos, self-work, dyads, breakout rooms (virtual), large group discussion, and the creation of social allies. We can also build in pre and post-work so that participants are challenged to incorporate this work at a deeper level.
The following are workshops that The Daring Venture has created specifically to bring into companies so that you can get a taste of our work or create a meaningful combination to address your needs.
Dare to Lead™ Workshops
Dare to Lead™ Team Effectiveness In this session, leaders will increase self-awareness by understanding how they armor up and what gets in the way of productive relationships and conversations from a team leadership. perspective. We will also explore how empathy, emotional literacy, and social support are key to more collaborative, engaged, and effective teams. We will then deepen the learning with practical tools from Dare to Lead™. Rumble Starters, feedback, and coach approach which leaders can put into practice immediately to make courageous conversations easier. Leaders will leave new awareness of how they are armoring up and tools to make courageous leadership easier in work and life. Key Takeaways:
Understand the role of courage and vulnerability in daring leadership
Learn how “armoring up” gets in the way of daring leadership
Evaluate armored vs leadership behaviors and identify strengths and growth edges
Improve your emotional literacy
Learn empathy, emotional literacy and support lead to more effective teams. Grounded Confidence; Rumble Starters, and feedback tools to make conversations, more productive
Learn and practice elements of effective feedback
Learn the“coach” approach to empower others to own their decisions, think creatively and have more engaged and inclusive conversations and solutions.
Role play feedback and hard conversations.
Call to Courage: This session captures a core teaching of Dr. Brown's insight which is to help leaders identify their own Call to Courage and to learn how “the cave that they fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.” As a leader, participants will be challenged to explore vulnerability, courage and shame resilience in a new way that will help shift their leadership to practice daring leadership.
Key Takeaways:
Determine their Call to Courage and identify where they want to be braver.
Understand the definition of vulnerability as risk, emotional exposure with no guarantees.
Understand the role of courage and vulnerability in daring leadership.
Challenge old definitions and dispel the myths surrounding the concept of vulnerability.
Understand and begin to utilize metaphor of “the cave” and “arena moments” to examine the challenges associated with feeling vulnerable or engaging in courageous behavior.
BIG (Boundaries, Integrity, Generosity): Learn a key concept from Dr. Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead™. The idea of living BIG. means understanding the relationship between boundaries, integrity, generosity and your beliefs about others and yourself. Understand how “clear is kind” and identify what gets in the way.
Key Takeaways:
Explore the idea of living BIG by understanding the relationship between boundaries and your beliefs about other people and yourself.
Learn how setting healthy boundaries (what ok and not ok) is a courageous act.
Identity healthy boundaries for a real-life application.
Learn how your beliefs and assumptions impact compassion for others and self-love.
Learn the concept of “clear is kind” and “unclear is unkind”.
Rumbling with Courage Experience a taste of some of the key Dare to Lead™ concepts. Learn and put into practice the 5 foundations of courage- the "go to's" in any situation. Identify your own Call to Courage as a leader by examining how "The cave you fear to enter that holds the treasure that you seek." And, learn the practical tools to engage in courageous conversations. In this interactive session, learn how getting curious and clear on your call to courage will take your leadership to the next level.
Key Takeaways:
Learn the 5 Foundations of Courage
Define your Call to Courage
Create awareness of how you armor up
Learn the concept of Grounded Confidence & Rumble Starters to enable you to be more productive and direct in messy conversations
Living into your Values When leaders and teams are challenged with tremendous growth and change, research shows that having a clear values offers stability. This session helps you identify how you wish to be together. We help you articulate, name and operationalize your core values on both a personal and professional level. In addition, By identifying specific behaviors that support you living into your values, you move into having cohesive touchstones. As a result, you are able to do hard things in service of showing up as you want to be as a leader and team.
Key Takeaways:
Build off existing corporate values, to see how personal values are in alignment or where they may be conflict.
Operationalize your values by clearly identifying behaviors that support living your values.
Understand your “slippery slopes” so that you can more quickly get back on track or prevent behaviors that are out of your integrity and show up more authentically and courageously.
By clarifying values, you understand who you want to be as a leader and team and support each-other living into this work.
BRAVING Trust This session captures a core element of successful team and leaders; trust. As a leader, you will be challenged to explore how trust is built and learn the seven ingredients of trust. Participants will be challenged to look at their own trust building skills along with what boundaries might be needed to be healthy and effective.
Key Takeaways:
Challenge old definitions of trust and understand seven key ingredients that build trust.
Understand how trust is built in small moments and how healthy boundaries support these efforts.
Understand the role of vulnerability in building trust.
Understand and begin to utilize tools concepts to build awareness of intentionally practicing trust building skills.
Rumble Skills Direct communication skills are the foundation to strong leadership and effective teams. We will challenge participants to stay with the messy middle, be fearless in owning your part and listen with the same passion as you want to be heard in tough conversations. Learn “rumble starters skills” to approach difficult conversations with new language and curiosity. Identify your strengths and areas for growth in giving engaged feedback and recognize your own defensiveness in feedback conversations.
Key Takeaways:
Learn and practice soft start-ups and rumble starters as a way to approach tough conversations.
Understand how your mindset and emotions influence the process and outcome of conversions.
Review the engaged feedback checklist and identify your strengths and areas for growth.
Recognizing your own defensiveness in feedback conversations.
Build confidence by sticking with the messy middle of tough conversations that can be transformative.
Cultivating Calm: We receive messages every day that can trigger anxiety, fear, uncertainty, frustration and anger. How can you cultivate calm even when life feels like it is moving too fast? Learn how the patterned ways we all manage anxiety might be impacting your work and team; by either under functioning or over functioning. You will learn and discuss foundational practices that help cultivate calm and courage and ultimately lead to more peaceful choices.
Key Takeaways:
Learn how our physiology reacts under stress and how breathing creates a deeper emotional connection
Understanding two ways that anxiety can show up - over and under functioning - and how these may impact behaviors
Learn the 5 Foundations of Courage and how these can help bring calm during times of stress
Cultivating Empathy: Everybody wants a soft place to land where they can be seen, heard and known. However, what we often get is advice giving or problem solving. Going to empathy can give us a different choice. Understand how well intended responses might actually be getting in the way of true compassion. Join us to learn and practice the specific skills sets of empathy. Ultimately, you will deepen your relationships, empower yourself and those around you and become a more effective leader at home and work.
Key Takeaways:
Understand the difference between sympathy and empathy.
Learn the skill-sets of empathy (perspective taking, recognizing emotion, communicating emotion, staying out of judgement)
Walk away with the ability to be with people and provide comfort rather than problem solve
Learn how to simply BE in hard places with people, be more effective, more connected, and ultimately cultivate deeper relationships.
Emotional Literacy The myth of emotional intelligence is that it is a “soft” skill and that we can separate from our emotions so that it won’t impact our work. However, research has taught us that it is a necessary skill for strong and effective leadership and if we are not engaging with this data, that it has the potential for big derailments. This session will focus on how to recognize and utilize emotions as valuable data for leading growth and change. Participants will be challenged to look at how they are currently managing or offloading their own emotions.
Key Takeaways:
Learn how emotions are connected to behaviors and thoughts and are influenced by stress.
Recognize how your habits of handling emotions might impact decision making and relationships.
Identify your fear, learning, and growth zones as it relates to emotional effectiveness
Identify your offloading strategies
Learn strategies for recognizing and managing emotions in healthier ways.
Armored vs. Daring Leadership Understand how patterns of "armoring up" get in the way of courageous leadership. When we practice courage it feels vulnerable and often we can feel discomfort or less than. This feeling can lead to armoring up which takes us away from showing up as our best self. In this session, increase your self-awareness by taking the Armored vs Daring Leadership Assessment to understand your patterns and make more daring choices in leadership and life. Key Takeaways:
Take Armored vs Daring Leadership Assessment to understand your strengths and growth edges.
Explore how we use one of three shields as strategies for disconnection – there are three patterned ways that we act in order to “be safe.”
Reflect when and with who you might be using each of these strategies.
Understand how armoring up might they be getting in the way of being a more courageous leader
Building a Culture of Support Everybody wants a soft place to land where they can be seen, heard, and known. When we feel supported our challenges feel easier and we are actually able to accomplish more. Learn and practice the specific skills sets of empathy and social support to develop a culture of connection and belonging.
Key Takeaways:
Understand how social support impacts our perspective of challenges.
Understand the difference between sympathy and empathy.
Learn the 5 skill sets of empathy (perspective taking, recognizing emotion, communicating emotion, staying out of judgement, mindfulness).
Practice the skill of acknowledgment.
Understand the research around how positive emotions impact performance.
Leave with tangible ideas of how to generate more positive emotions and why it matters.